Welcome New Clients
Find all information you need to make your first appointment experience enjoyable.
Use the Contact Form to submit a request or call the office directly to schedule an Initial Comprehensive Consultation appointment. Please click on the consent to treat and client bill of rights, fill it out and bring it with you to your appointment or email it to blooming4wellness@gmail.com.
How to prepare for an appointment:
Be comfortable! Please wear cotton, wool or natural fiber clothing. Try to wear something that is very low in synthetic clothing, polyester or spandex. Please refrain from using any lotions with scents, perfumes, essential oils and metal jewelry on the day of your appointment. Please leave your phone and smart watch in your car for the appointment. If you would like to bring your phone or watch in with you, please shut them off before entering the testing room.
What your first appointment will look like:
You will be greeted by the front desk. Ashlin will come get you and take you to the testing room. We will go over any concerns or questions you have. Next I will ask you to remove your shoes and lay on the massage table on your back. (If you are not able to lay on the table, there are other options). Ashlin will be standing/seated at your feet and will place her hands on your feet/ankles to begin whisperology/IBFRT. It is that simple!
Most people take a nap while testing is going on. Ashlin will gather information about your body, mind, emotions and what the stressors to those are. This process can take some time as our body is so complex and wonderfully made. Some stressors can be anything from heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, radiation, emfs, medication side effects, nutritional deficiencies, physical trauma, emotional trauma, mold or more. Ashlin will then create a protocol to regain balance. Ashlin may ask you questions regarding the information being collected. Ashlin may also use applied kinesiology to show you what your stressing to. After all information is collected, she will create a plan for healing. All of this is done non-invasively!
Testing takes about 1.5 hours and the other 30 min are to answer questions and make your protocol to take home. For the protocol to be the most effective it is essential to set aside time everyday and be consistent. Limiting exposure to EMFs during your individualized protocol is very helpful for positive changes and healing. Follow- Up appointments are based on individual needs and are about 1 hour and 15 min. long.